An Ethnographic Inventory

Xcol. An ethnographic inventory

How can artist’s diaries be devices for fieldwork?

How to do ethnography through (epistemic) love letters

Cómo curar (y cuidar) de nuestras preguntas etnográficas de forma colaborativa y experimental

How can sonority be a device for fieldwork?

How to ‘device’ an ethnographic infrastructure

How to do it lowkey in a meme ethnography

Problematorio de ética de la investigación

Re-enactment for Nothing – A Recipe

Infraestructuras etnográficas

How to remediate ethnography

Building a Hybrid Technologies Digital Database in the Mexican Borderlands

Cómo producir una etnografía de datos responsiva


xcol is an inventory of the endless invention that is integral to any ethnographic inquiry. It takes as its departing point the idea that ethnography is an act of invention: Anthropologists, and ethnographers in general, have to invent how to investigate with others. xcol documents and curates the relational inventions produced by anthropologists with their counterparts. The inventory offers four kinds of inventions: fieldwork inventions for ethnographic inquiry (field devices), pedagogical methodologies and venues for the apprenticeship of ethnography (open formats), interventions towards the inside of the discipline of anthropology drawing inspiration from our fields of study (intraventions), and material experiments in anthropological practice at the hinges of the ethnographic (prototypes). Anthropologists, ethnographers and close companions are invited to join this open inventory.

More on xcol Inventory


This section inventories different texts sustaining and motivating the tasks of the xcol platform: conceptual positions driven by an experimental impulse (xpositions), programmatic essays, longer reflections and other contributions addressing relevant aspects of ethnographic inventiveness.

Sensorialidad (y más): más allá del texto

La antropología ha consagrado la escritura como práctica paradigmática para la expresión de su conocimiento, pero el texto no es suficiente para dar cuenta de la complejidad del mundo. En tiempos recientes se desarrolla un amplio esfuerzo por experimentar con otros lenguajes y formatos para el conocimiento antropológico, así ocurre con la antropología sensorial y experimentos que se inspiran en los dominios del arte y las culturas digitales.

Colaboraciones antropológicas en la contemporaneidad

La colaboración es invocada en tiempos recientes como una figura relacional necesaria para el estudio de nuestro mundo. Las llamadas a la colaboración en antropología no son nuevas, pero sí resultan novedosas las articulaciones específicas en nuestra contemporaneidad, como los ejercicios de colaboración experimental a través de los cuales antropólogos y sus contrapartes construyen problematizaciones conjuntas.


A vocabulary of ethnographic invention: The xcol glossary is a collection of fundamental words and terms offering a conceptual language needed to describe the inventiveness always present in the ethnographic endeavour. The xcol glossary is thus nothing else than an inventory of words needed to account for ethnographic invention. It also offers key terms to navigate the site and engage in the task of inventorying.


The xcol inventory is a research platform and an infrastructure for ethnographic inquiry. The Inquiry section assembles different elements of the inventory presenting explorations into relevant topics. These varied assemblages or bundles map out distinctive modes of inquiry, pedagogic programmes and experimental endeavours in ethnography.

Open Formats: methodologies for thinking together

Open formats are methodologies for thinking and doing together. Despite the relevance of the methodologies used to share knowledge, we usually resort to the most conventional formats: paper presentations, round tables, etc. This offers a collection of experiments with meeting formats as pedagogical spaces for the apprenticeship of ethnographic experimentation and encourages the need to document these ‘experiments’ so that they may travel, be learnt and reproduced elsewhere.

Antropologías multimodales

La antropología multimodal propone un programa a través del cual la disciplina se abre a la invención de formas de expresión y representación, de relación y producción de conocimiento a través de múltiples modos relacionales y representacionales que van más allá de lo textual. A través de ellos, los antropólogos y antropólogas exploran otros modos de indagación, se abren a nuevos lenguajes y formatos para expresar su conocimiento y son capaces de interpelar a públicos amplios y diversos.

Playing with method

How could games redevelop our repertoires of ethnographic representation and intervention? What vocabularies and considerations might allow us to unfold their full potential as relevant ethnographic or peri-ethnographic genres?