An Ethnographic Inventory

Octavio Muciño-Hernández

Octavio Muciño-Hernández is a doctoral candidate in the “Social and Human Dimensions of Science and Technology” program at Arizona State University. Having been honored with the Helmut-Stadt scholarship, he completed his Master’s degree in Political Science at the University of Osnabrück, Germany. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from the University of Guadalajara, Mexico.

Octavio’s scholarly pursuits comprehensively examine the interplay between socio-political elements and normative structures in bioethics and animal ethics. He is particularly interested in investigating how societal and national perceptions of monstrosity manifest within the realm of biotechnology, specifically in the context of animal experimentation. He is currently researching the migratory and forensic conditions along the Mexican borderlands, incorporating insights from Science and Technology Studies (STS). This research is conducted under the auspices of the Borderlands STS Lab at Arizona State University.

Along with his research, Octavio teaches “Future Ethics” at CENTRO, a leading media production institution in Mexico City. Beyond and within academia, he exhibits a multifaceted skill set in art and science communication, showcasing his abilities as a bass player and sound designer.

website: octaviomucinohernandez.art

Inventions by Octavio Muciño-Hernández

Building a Hybrid Technologies Digital Database in the Mexican Borderlands