We are seeking to recruit a research assistant for xcol. An Ethnographic Inventory,
The person we would hire would work at the Open University of Catalonia in Barcelona.
We are looking for a person trained in the field of social and cultural anthropology or related disciplines, with knowledge of the practice of ethnographic work and with experience in digital publications, interested in helping us develop our research around the web platform of “xcol. An Ethnographic Inventoryā€¯.
- Collaborate in the mapping and production of a state of the art and a database of experimental and innovative ethnographic projects
- Identify, extract and write project drafts found in already published sources (historical or contemporary)
- Contact selected projects and support their documentation
- Layout and publish the documented projects on the web
- Help compile and layout thematic collections of projects in e-book or PDF format
In this phase of the project, we want to develop our research in the following thematic areas:
- City, infrastructure and territory
- Design and artistic practices
- Care and health in informal and formal settings
- Diverse bodies, functional diversity and the elderly
- Multi-sensoriality and atmospheres
- Ecologies and inter-species relations
- Emergencies and disasters (pollution, dangerous climate events, pandemics)
- Techno-scientific and embodied activism, other knowledges
- Institutional ethnographies and in expert environments
- Devices for participation, collaboration and public involvement
The successful candidate will be awarded a temporary contract (35%) of 18 months, starting September 4.
Deadline for applications: April 30, 2023
Offer in the job application portal: https://selection.uoc.edu/web/offersjob/offerdetails.aspx?offerID=3D15A104D02F96171385E7FE8F34FCDC12843D4D386BF3E563F8BA3449DE23E9