An Ethnographic Inventory

Review of multimodal projects

In anthropological training it is customary to learn to value many genres of textual production: indeed, book reviews and review articles set the grounds for empirical and conceptual discussions on a wide variety of ethnographic projects in conventional written forms.

However, multimodal projects pose singular challenges for their description. Searching to find ways to learn to appreciate these projects, this section reviews multimodal projects.

In it we explore ways to accurately describe them, paying special attention to their multi-media and socio-material arrangements, as well as finding ways to discuss and value what modalities of inquiry they bring forth.

Xpositions in this bundle

Staging complexity

In contrast with more conventional approaches to the uses of theatre for the public engagement with science and technology (e.g. pedagogical approaches to science communication), contemporary forms of participatory, community, interactive or digital theatre have also served as relevant arenas for projects searching to activate publics through agonistic and complex encounters with contemporary technoscientific issues. This was the case of Enacting Innovation, a performance that crystallises a dialogue between social scientists and theatre professionals working in the vicinity of STS in which that seek to 'stage complexity' and the paradoxes of otherwise repetitive innovation scripts.